The following are my 25 successful treatment cases:

* Prolepses of lumbar intervertebral disc, many clients can reduce lumbar pain, improve movement function of their lumbar after one time treatment by Acupuncture and Chinese Massage/Remedial Massage. They can obtain much better movement after three to five times treatment. Through a few courses of treatment, 50% of clients can achieve clinical healing (almost no any symptom) and return back to original work, 30% of clients can get obvious relief of pain and improve movement function, but about 10% of serious clients still need surgery. I've noticed that some of my clients after treatment, the prolepses of lumbar intervertebral disc has evidently shrunk.

* One man, 54 years old, height 1.90 metre, had a very hard job. He had lower back pain for three days, movement function on his back was limited, and he couldn't straighten his back. He was treated by two Doctors of Chinese Medicine, but it was ineffective. I treated him with Acupuncture and Chinese/Remedial Massage. After I finished the treatment, he told me that there was already an improvement in movement function of his back. Four days later I treated him again, after the treatment he told me he had completely recovered. I know he has returned to work, however in order to save money, he stopped his treatment.

* One man, 48 years old, had a very tiring job (climbing and sawing trees). He came to my clinic because he had very painful and had difficulty in movement of his back. I treated him with Acupuncture and Chinese/Remedial Massage. The following day he came back and told me he felt better after the treatment, and continued treatment for a further three days. He experienced reduced pain and obvious improved movement function on his back. In order to save money he stopped his treatment. During the treatment he had only about 0.5-2 days rest.
The above two clients did not have CT scans, but based on their symptoms I determined that they had prolepses of lumbar intervertebral disc (diagnosis accuracy rate 90%).

* A cervical spondylopathy acutely broke out. By using Acupuncture, Chinese Massage/Remedial Massage, and Chinese Herbs, many clients could reduce neck pain and improve movement function of their neck in one to three days.

* A lady, twenty-seven years old came to my clinic on June 2006, she said that she had a traffic accident in 2000, and then her neck pain gradually increased and radiated pain to her right upper limb in the recent 2 years. In December 2005, she took a CT scan, it reported that "there is a moderate sized right posterolateral disc protrusion at the C4/5 level. It encroaches on the proximal right C5 nerve root prior to its neural foramen." Due to the experience of acute pain on her neck and movement impairment, she left her work. She needed to take strong painkillers and then able to sleep for 1 hour, then she had to get up and do some activities before she could sleep again. I gave her three treatments by Acupuncture, Chinese/Remedial Massage and Chinese Herbs. After her treatment, she could continue to sleep for 4 hours, her pain and movement function of her neck had improved. However, because she needed to pay the treatment costs by herself, she only had four treatments.

* A man, forty years old had dislocated his right shoulder joints and also osteomiosis of head of humerus over 5 months, his right shoulder had already reposited, and the joint had lost 70% of movement function. His specialist thought if movement function of his right shoulder hasn't recovered after two years, he will require surgery to help him recover. After eight treatments in my clinic, his right shoulder had recovered over 80% movement function. If he directly came to my clinic for treatment after the injury, he would have completely recovered within two to two and a half months.

* A 50 year old nurse stated that her right shoulder was injured 50 days ago. She had an X-ray examination, CT scan, MRI, and Ultrasound. She had also seen her Family Doctor and a Shoulder Specialist and Physiotherapy. But because her shoulder had a partial thickness tear of the tendon in her ultrasound examination, she was rejected the treatment by Physiotherapy. She had no choice, thus she came to my clinic for treatment. I examined her shoulder and found that her right shoulder had acute pain and movement was limited. According to these symptoms, I diagnosed that she had a frozen shoulder (periarthritis of shoulder). All of above examinations were unnecessary and a waste of money. I told the client, if she came to my clinic for treatment directly after she was injured, she only needed to pay 50% of the money that she had spent. With three weeks of treatment, she can completely recover. After treating her for three times, movement function of her right shoulder had some improvement and pain was reduced, but because she had to pay the treatment costs by herself, she stopped the treatment.

* One lady 50 years old claimed Worker's Compensation. She stated that she had a frozen shoulder for already a few months and her family doctor arranged treatment for two and half months, but it was ineffective and her problem worsened. She had a very painful left shoulder and movement was difficult. She couldn't sleep because the pain often wakes her. I treated her with Acupuncture and Chinese/Remedial Massage for one month, in total 13 times. The client had clear signs of reduced pain and improved movement function, she could return to work after one month of treatment.

* A forty-six year old lady had 4 ribs fractured with no displacement two days. I treated her by Chinese Herb, Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application and also fix the chest. After my treatment for three days, she had reduced pain. After treatment for five days, she had obviously reduced pain on her chest. After three weeks of treatment, she just had minimal pain and stopped treatment.

* A seventy-two years old lady had ischemic necrosis of the femoral head on two sides (second stage) and she experiences immense pain when she walks, particularly on her right side. A specialist in Western Medicine recommended her do an operation to change her femoral head. I treated her by Chinese Herb, Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application, and through the three months of treatment, she had almost relieved the pain on her left side and her right side also had obvious reduced pain. Because of her financial situation, she stopped the treatment.
Chinese Herb and Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application could promote blood cycle and bone cell growth. A partial client has effective, this requires further studies.

* A fourteen years old boy had inner side ligaments laceration injury/wound with knee cap bursitis on his right knee joints (swollen on his knee). A specialist believed that he needed 2 months to completely recover. I treated him for five times, and after 10 days, he had completely recovered. On the twelfth day his mother called and asked me whether her son could run if he wished to. I answered "Yes, he can."

* One Man, 28 years old, he had prolepses of lumbar intervertebral disc for few years. I compared his lumbar CT reports with pretreatment and post-treatment. Before treatment his lumbar CT report: "At L3/4 level, there is mild posterocentral disc protrusion. At L4/5 level, moderate posterocentral disc protrusion is demonstrated. The lateral recesses at this level are also obliterated by the protruded disc. There changes may cause impingement of the right and left L5 traversing nerve roots. At L5/S1 level, moderate posterocentral and posterolateral disc protrusion is demonstrated. The lateral recesses at this level are obliterated by the protruded disc. There changes could cause impingement of the traversing right S1 traversing nerve roots. As well as narrowing of the left L5 nerve exit foramen. There changes could cause impingement of the right and left L5 and S1 traversing nerve root and left L5 exit nerve root." After treatment his lumbar CT report: "The L3/4 level outlines normally. No neural compression evident. The L3 nerve roots are noted to exit normally. At the L4/5 level there is evidence of a generalised disc bulge. No neural compression evident elsewhere at this level. The L4 nerve roots are noted to exit normally. At the L5/S1 level there is evidence of broad-based annular disc bulge. The L5 nerve roots are noted to exit normally." From his two lumbar CT scan reports, it is clear that after I had treated him; his prolepses of lumbar intervertebral disc had unmistakably shrunk.

* A lady, forty years old had neck pain for several months. She required a dose of 6 tablets of painkillers everyday. However, after her second treatment, she had stopped taking painkillers. After the fourth treatment, she had relieved the pain on her neck and 100% recovered movement function on her neck.

* A lady couldn't open her mouth after she chewed hard foods, so she came to my clinic. I detected that she had a little out of alignment (trusion) in her mandibular articulation, after I had a diaplasis for her, she could open and close her mouth normally. The following day I treated her once and she was completed healed.

* A businessman, 52 years old, fell down from seven meters. He was severely injured and had stayed in hospital for four days. He decided to discharge from the hospital because he was going to seek treatment by Chinese Medicine. On Monday 2:30pm, I visited him and found that the man appeared to be in pain when he had lied down on the bed on his face. He was groaning in pain. However, he had internal fixed fracture by an operation on his right elbow, but he may also have had fractures on his back ribs (after X-ray confirm two ribs fractured). Upper half of body had a large area of hematoma and also his neck and lumbar had injuries. I treated him by Chinese Herbs, Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application and fixed his chest, etc. On Thursday 10am, his wife told me that he had returned to work.

* Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, and tenosynovitis stenosans. The Western Medicine cannot give satisfactory treatment results on these kinds of diseases. However, a specialist in Chinese Medicine for Sports Injury can treat them and gain healing or obvious improvement.

*A gentleman, thirty years old, had dislocated his right elbow, after being diagnosed through X-Ray. I had a diaplasis for him in five minutes. Through my 5 weeks of treatment, his elbow joint was completely eliminated of the swelling and pain. Also, his right elbow had completely recovered movement function 100%.

* An eighteen month old girl went to the hospital because her right hand wouldn't pick up anything and she couldn't lift her right upper arm. A doctor made an X-ray examination and it showed that her bones were normal, so the doctor couldn't do anything. Her parents brought her to my clinic, I found the she had a subluxation of head of radius. I had a diaplasis for her (one minute), and then her elbow can move normally.

* A gentleman, twenty-one years old, had a severe injury on his right knee from a traffic accident. He had a muscle tendon rupture and nerve injury, a Specialist of Western Medicine deemed that the chance of recovery to walk normally was minimal. After I gave him treatments in my clinic, his knee joint movement function had recovered 100% and he could walk normally.

* One client had fractured his knee joint and another client had fractured his elbow joint. Though they had other methods of treatment applied, after five months and ten months, they still haven't recovered movement function on their joints. I treated them ten to fifteen times and now they have completely recovered joint movement function.

* A six year old boy went to the Children's Hospital because he of his swelling knee and walked with a lame. His parents waited for six and a half hours, but the family doctor didn't know what problem was, so they made an appointment to see a specialist. The specialist, however, couldn't diagnose the problem of the boy. So they brought him to my clinic, I found that the boy had knee cap bursitis and used Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application to treat the boy three times. The boy had completely recovered after the treatments.

* One lady, sixty-eight years old, had a lower back pain and with left sciatica for a few years (AO). A Spinal Neurosurgeon considered: "At this stage, I would recommend continued conservative management but I suspect she may need to undergo a surgical decompression of the lateral recesses at L4/5 at some time in the future, her more chronic low back pain would probably be helped by stabilising and fusing the L4/5 and L5/S1 segments but this is a big operation and should really only be done if the back pain is becoming more disabling." She had reduced pain on her lumbar and improved movement function of her lumbar after I treated her three times. She told me she will reject the operation. The patients and I are convinced that if Medicare can cover or pay for my treatment services, the patients may not use any painkillers and no longer have to bear painful surgeries for the rest of her life.

* One lady, forty years old, had a 2cm X 2cm synovial bursa on the back of her wrist for two weeks, a doctor suggested that for surgery to remove the synovial bursa and it would require one to two days of rest after surgery. I treated her by five acupunctures and two minutes of massage, the synovial bursa had disappeared with no scarring. She even worked that day.

* A man, sixty-nine years old, had a serious Knee Joint Dsteoarthrosis (AO). He needs assistance walking upstairs. After treatment by Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Massage twice, he could walk upstairs by himself. After seven treatments, he went to have physiotherapy. The physiotherapist told him that if he used physiotherapy treatment for 6 months, he could recover 50%, it's very fortunate for him. But since he had Acupuncture, Moxibustion and massage 7 times, he said that he had already recovered over 50%.

* A female client of fifty-seven years old had a swollen and painful right knee. She walks with difficultly, so she came to my clinic. After treatment twice by Acupuncture, massage and Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application, the swelling had disappeared and pain was obviously reduced, she could then return to work.

* A man, 42 years old, had his chest injured for six days. He had two treatments in another Chinese Medical clinic. They used Chinese Herbs and external Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application, but the pain in his right chest increased, so he came to my clinic for treatment. At the time, the client had immense pain on his right chest, and when he was talking and breathing, the pain increased. He also couldn't straighten his chest. It was 3pm and his wife told me that the client must go back to work tomorrow because he was the employer and had three employees; he works as a Gyprock builder. I told the client if his ribs weren't fractured, and after the injury occurred he immediately came to my clinic, after six days of treatment the pain in chest would disappear, and in order to save money you would stop the treatment. But if he had fractured ribs, after six days of treatment, he will get reduced pain on his chest. At the time, I treated him with Chinese Herbs and external Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application, I told him that he was required to drink the Chinese Herbs immediately after he went to home. On the following day 2am, he should be drinking the Chinese herbs again, and the following morning, he maybe able to return to supervise his workers. On the third day, the client came to my clinic again, he told me that he had an X-Ray examination, and there were no fractures. The next day, he climbed to a high place to work because his workers couldn't come. I treated him with Chinese herbs and Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application again and he went back to work. Why do similar Chinese Medicine treatment methods give different results? Because the formula of my Chinese herbs and Chinese Medicine Traumatic Application are different to others, so the treatment results are different, but some Patients don't understand this.